Lightning talk: Jujutsu

Posted on 2025-02-17

Slides available: pdf

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What is it?

Jujutsu is a new version control software (VCS), like git, mercurial, etc. Git is the actual gold standard for VCS, even if its UX could be better. There is a whole ecosystem around git that makes switching to similar projects (eg. mercurial) a daunting task. How does jujutsu plan on making us switch?

Jujutsu separates the frontend (what the user interacts with) and the backend (how the information is stored). And the main backend is actually git repositories. There is a native backend being developed but it’s not ready for prime time. Sharing the same backend as the most popular VCS, Jujutsu aims to improve on the frontend.

How does it compare?

No branch, only revisions

Jujutsu understand git commits, but operates at a higher level with revisions. Revisions wrap commits, however as you move revisions around (edit with changes, or rebase), they keep their id. Only their underlying commit id changes.

With revision ids being stable, you don’t need branches to start working: create a new revision, and start working. You will need to create a branch (or bookmark in jujutsu world) to push your changes, but it can be done at the end.

There is no special mode like git’s “Detached HEAD”, you are always on a revision. You can jump around the history and you will always see the whole history, unlike git where you only see parents revisions.

This emphasis on revisions changes the paradigm a bit: you tend to better split your revisions, whereas in git you often do smaller commits then clean the whole branch during a rebase phase.

You can also modify revisions freely: unlike git where you can only modify the current branch, you can squash part of any revision into another unrelated revision.

Some revisions (such as the main or master branch) are considered immutable, meaning you are not allowed to modify them. You can override this but this is a sane choice by default.

No staging area

Every modification in jujutsu is stored. It removes a step from git and avoids scenarios where you cannot switch branches because of a untracked file collision, or when you forget to add a file (it works locally but not on the CI env).

It does require a good .gitignore file to avoid adding unnecessary (big) files, but that is good practice anyway.

You can mimic git staging area with a new revision on top of your work.1

Conflicts are ok

Conflicts during rebase are recorded but never stop the rebase. Revisions will be flagged as “conflicted” until the conflict markers are removed. You can then see how long the conflicts last (maybe a later revision fixes them).

You deal with conflicts how you want, it is never a hurry. You can save your progress and change branch in the meanwhile. Once you fix a conflict you do not need to explicitely mark them as resolved, the absence of markers is enough for jujutsu.

Branch, bookmark

A “branch” in git is named “bookmark” in jujutsu. You do not need one during dev, you can safely switch revisions trees without naming them. This is very useful when you need to try something on top of the main branch: you just create a new revision on top of it without creating an dedicated branch or even modifying the main branch (I often modified my local copy of the main branch this way with git).

However, you need a bookmark when you want to push changes to a remote (which is often). I believe this could be skipped with a dedicated jujutsu backend.

When creating a bookmark, it sticks to the revision it was created on, you need to manually update it if you add revision on top of it. This manual step is useful when you want to push your changes but keep a few revisions private until your work is done.

Tracked bookmarks are similar to tracked branches in git, but they are automatically updated during fetching. No more out-of-date information between a local bookmark and its remote (I’m looking at you origin/main).


Jujutsu comes with nice CLI tools out-of-the-box: you can select part of a commit for squashing / splitting with a dedicated TUI, and the log are pretty-printed in graph format.

But it cannot compare to the exhaustive ecosystem that exists for git: GUI, scripts, etc. Unfortunately, git tools are confused when you use jujutsu in your repository: they only see the detached HEAD, they are missing the overall picture.

You can always come back to a regular git workflow based on branches (they are mapped on bookmarks), should you need it.


Jujutsu shines when you are dealing with multiple tracks (bug hunting, work-in-progress, small tests).

The need to specify bookmarks when pushing changes feels a bit heavy compared to how smooth it is working locally. A backend tailored for jujutsu, supporting revisions without bookmarks, would remove a lot of friction.

Jujutsu has cool features, but I wouldn’t consider them game-changing. It feels simpler though, which is good coming from git.

The ecosystem is almost null, but it is growing.2

VCS landscape

Jujutsu seems to materialize what the next VCS after git should be: better conflict support and nicer UX.

It is developed by Googlers and I believe the goal is to slowly replace git CLI at Google. It is making good progress with frequent releases.

Sapling is another contender, developed at Facebook. It is more inspired by Mercurial (which is used at Facebook). Its feature set is similar to Jujutsu but it seems less popular.

I was part of the team at Meta that built Sapling for many years. I’m no longer at Meta and I use jj full time.

Discussion on

Pijul is less focusing on git compatibility and looks more like a research project, focusing on theory of patches. I am not sure how production ready it currently is, but the clean break with git means it needs to be rock solid to tempt people over.

  1. The Squash Workflow↩︎

  2. GUI and TUI↩︎